Thursday, February 25, 2016

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Project One

The two photos above complete the assignment for project one. The color wheel is on top, consisting of blue tints and shades which I used for my composition on the bottom. I chose this hue for my painting because I familiarized myself with blue tints and shades to place above my color wheel, so I felt most comfortable working with blue again. I am not very familiar with the other colors's tints and shades, so I chose one that I had already worked with briefly.

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Munsell Charts

Above, you can view my completed Munsell charts of each of the different hues. I found this exercise to be challenging because colors often play tricks with your mind, making it hard to decipher where to place the swatches. I had a fairly easy time arranging the warmer colors, while the cooler colors were more on the difficult side.