Thursday, February 18, 2016



  1. Your first pattern is very successful. The pattern does have vibrating sides. I think the way the lines are in your shape how they are a little off from the next are what really help it look as if it is moving. With the second pattern I think somethings the With the hue of the color needs to be lighter.

  2. I think your first pattern demonstrates the idea of vibrating edges very well. It's very hard on the eyes (which is a good thing in this case!) and it's easy to see that it gives off that illusion. Your second design also does a good job in representing this idea; however, I feel like you should play around with the values a little more. It might help bring out the edges better. Great work!

  3. I think you have done a great job so far. The first pattern especially is very effective. I agree that it does demonstrate vibration well. For the second design, you are off to a good start. It seems as if it is starting to vibrate but I think something is missing. I agree that you should keep experimenting with the values.
